Alper Derinboğaz

Salon Architects, Founder


He graduated from Istanbul Technical University in 2005. He received the Fulbright Scholarship for his master degree in Architecture and Urban Design at the University of California, Los Angeles by completing his degree with the UCLA Graduate Award. Derinbogaz founded Salon in 2010, referring to the French term, as a gathering space for emerging ideas or criticism. In addition to his professional practice, he continues to lead his architectural design studio at the Istanbul Technical University as a senior lecturer.

Derinboğaz, the winner of Europe 40 Under 40 Award 2019, has gained many recognitions, awards and honors internationally including German Design Award in 2018, Green Good Design Award in 2018, World Architecture Award in 2017, Plan Award for Innovative Architecture in 2015, YAP Program of MOMA shortlist and A+ Architizer Award 2015. He represented Turkey in the 14th Venice Biennial International Architecture Exhibition in its debut year of the Pavilion of Turkey in 2014. Three of his built works, Gate, Panorama and Augmented Structures were included in the Best Architecture of the Year Selection, and he received the Arkitera Young Architect Award in 2011.


Science Island

Client Kaunas City Municipality
Project Type Cultural Architecture
Date Completed 2016
Collaborators Transsolar
Design Company Salon
Awards National Centre for Science and Innovation International Competition, Mention Prize

Science Island is designed as an icon of the paradigm between the natural landscape, mankind’s intrinsic curiosity of the complexity of our universe, and the responsibility we have within it. Its ultimate aim is to achieve a landmark institution in the dissemination of knowledge and its interpretation with architectural syntax.

The design follows an empathic approach unique to the surrounding ecology. The promenade through the Science Island itself follows a route along the inner face of its bioclimatic skin, formally generated by architecturally modelling Alan Turing’s equation on Morphogenesis; its Stratiform curating a kaleidoscopic visual journey of the Island and the urban silhouette beyond.