Our most recent seminar Architectural History of Beyoğlu is completed now.You can find further detail on the themes of each sessions and overall approach below.
Tutor: Zafer Akay
Date: 18-20-22-25 May 2021
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Duration: 4 Sessions
Attendance: Requires Ticket
This seminar aims to tell the arctitectural history of Beyoğlu throughout different periods. Important structures and architects to be selected from various periods and styles will enable us to analyze the history of Beyoğlu with an architectural and sociological perspective.
1. Session: Tanzimat reforms period
2. Session: Last quarter of the 19. century
3. Session: Turn of the century
4. Session: Armistice and Republic
The building activities, which started with embassy buildings after Tanzimat, has many interesting actors such as Fossati and Laurecisque. The architects, who were originally Levantine Italians such as Stampa, Barborini and Semprini, gradually diversified with the participation of architects from Armenian or Greek communities such as Aznavour and Kambanakis, who were educated in Paris or Rome.
While Tepebaşı - İstiklal Caddesi transformed into the European entertainment center of the Ottoman capital with its cafes and theaters, it also turned into a showcase of the architectural styles and movements of the period. We have basic information about many, if not all, architects such as Karakaş brothers, Kyriakides and Novokosmos who used many styles from Neo-classical and Neo-baroque to Art Nouveau. As the researches evolve, the stories of architetcs are included into the Picture and story of Beyoğlu .
In order to attend the seminar, you have to buy a ticket through our Biletino page, the link of which is given below. After your registration and purchase on Biletino, you will receive an e-mail that has the necessary Zoom session inofrmation and instructions, before the event.
Here are some book recomendations from Zafer Akay: