Circle Seminars continued with a seminar named ‘City & Ecology’ by Dilek Yürük. Scroll down for further detail on the seminar program and Yürük’s recommendation list.
Instructor: Dilek Yürük
Date: 01-04-06 October 2021
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Duration: 3 Sessions
Attendance: Requires Ticket
Dilek Yürük, who has been carrying out both theoretical and practical studies on urban and ecology for many years, will examine urban ecology through sustainability, everyday life practices, design, memory, artistic practices and activism. The seminar is open to anyone who wants to think and take action on issues such as urbanism and ecology, culture and nature, urban policies and participation. The seminar eventually aims to put forth theoretical and practical solutions to urban problems.
ᐅ Session #01
Relations and Interfaces in Urban Ecology
ᐅ Session #02
Landscape Layers of City
ᐅ Session #03
Experiencing Urban Ecology Through Activism and Art
In order to attend the seminar, you have to buy a ticket through our Biletino page, the link of which is given below. After your registration and purchase on Biletino, you will receive an e-mail that has the necessary Zoom session information and instructions, before the event.
Dilek Yürük Recommends:
Dilek Yürük recommends a list for the participants and all the circle followers before the seminar. Below is a list of suggestions, including walks, articles, books, movies, and interviews.
To read:
Urban Ecology: Science of Cities
Richard T.T. Forman, Cambridge Univ. PressPermakültüre Giriş
Bill Mollison, Sinek Sekiz YayınlarıTers Köşe Ekoloji
Ed. Ayşen Ciravoğlu, Puna YayınÜretken Peyzajın Kentli Hali
Dilek Yürük, XXI Dergi
To watch:
Bostan Hikayeleri, YouTube Channel
The Human Scale, Andreas M. Dalsgaard, 2012
To walk:
Dilek Yürük suggests participants to take a walk in the environment where they live and work, before the seminar, gazing through various layers of their urban environment and ecology.